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• Two layered polymer coating with different eco-friendly biologically active chemical agents in each of the two layers.
• The coating does not decompose or release biologically active agents into the surrounding water as in the case of ablative paints currently in use, they are designed to not leech into the surrounding water.

• The outer layer prevents damage by repelling and preventing the immature forms of the

biofouling organisms from attaching to the surface, and protects the inner layer from biofouling damage.

• The inner layer prevents any organism that penetrates the outer layer from growing and damaging the surface, and protects the submerged surface from biofouling damage. 

• The two layer coating acts synergistically with each other to prevent cosmetic, chemical, biological, and mechanical damage to the surface.

• The inner layer, containing the more potent biologically active chemical agents, is shielded from the aquatic environment by the outer layer that covers it.

• Designed for at least a 5 year operational life. 

• For boat hulls, engine and running gear, piers, docks, & pilings, bulkheads, intake pipes, concrete structures, propellers, almost any structure.

• Active against all forms of freshwater and saltwater biofouling, including barnacles, mussels, algae, shipworms, and more.

• Only known preventative treatment for Sea Grapes that cause damage to submerged surfaces (US National Parks Service indicates there are presently no effective means of eradication).

• Multiple United States Patents on the technology

(US #10519327, US #10689527, US #10829649, 2 additional patents pending)

Specifications: Text
Specifications: Pro Gallery

The power of our environmentally friendly anti-biofouling technology has been demonstrated in a variety of tests. The first photo shows an untreated control fiberglass panel that was immersed in salt water for 225 days. The second photo shows a fiberglass panel that was treated with BARNACIDE® once prior to being immersed in salt water for 225 days alongside the untreated panel. 
The stark contrast between the "control" panel without BARNACIDE
® and the panel with BARNACIDE® demonstrates how effective the technology is at protecting submerged surfaces. 

Specifications: Text

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